Cameron Diaz finds it unreasonable to expect one man to understand all needs of a woman, and so, she feels it’s okay to have lots of partners.
For some reason, we get into relationships and we expect one man to understand ‘all’ the parts of us and meet all of those needs. I think that’s where everything fails.
Asked if having lots of partners was better, the single star added:
Why not? Why would that be so bad?
The 41-year-old star of “The Other Woman“, a film about fidelity, says she has multiple girlfriends.
We can have all of these girlfriends, all of these friendships. I know with my girlfriends I do totally different things with each one of them. I have different conversations. We like things that others don’t like.
There are different commonalities in each one of them and when I want to do those certain things, I can go to that girlfriend and we do those things together. That’s perfectly fine that she doesn’t like to do the thousands of other things that I like to do. I’m perfectly okay with that with her.