FILE 6520/7296

Ranbir Kapoor's water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010

Ranbir Kapoor's water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010

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File information

Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (4).jpg
Album name:
Underwater Adventure Phobia Water Kapoors Ranbir
File Size:
160 KB
600 x 399 pixels

More Photos

Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (7).jpg
Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (6).jpg
Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (5).jpg
Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (4).jpg
Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (3).jpg
Ranbir Kapoor_s water phobia and underwater adventure on 31st March 2010 (2).jpg
