Selfiee is a Bollywood dramedy starring Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi, directed by Raj Mehta. It is an official Hindi remake of the Malayalam film Driving Licence, and revolves around the story of a superstar and his biggest fan whose desire for a selfie leads to a battle of egos and an ultimate fight.
Sangeeta Bijlani, Karan Mehra, Deepshikha, Vinod Kambli,Meghna Malik, Naved Jaffrey At Grand Finale Of India's First Dance Week In Association With Sandip Soparrkar on...
Celina Jaitley, Dolly Thakore, Rajit Kapur, Meghna Malik at Kashish film festival opening in Mumbai on 27th May 2015 .
Launch Events
Celina Jaitley
Dolly Thakore
Poonam Dhillon, Amar Upadhyay, Apara Mehta, Meghna Malik, Sandip Soparkar, A D Singh, Delnaz Paul, Parvez Damania at Bhavik Sangghvi_s book launch in Crossword,...
Ashita Dhawan, Mahi Vij, Jay Bhanushali, Meghna Malik, Smita Singh, Sushant Singh, Teejay Sidhu, Karnvir Bohra at BAG Films bash for Sapno Ka Bhanwar...