Kriti Sanon, the acclaimed Bollywood actress, visited Siddhivinayak Temple on 26th August 2023, accompanied by her sister Nupur Sanon, father Rahul Sanon, and mother Geeta Sanon. The family chose to visit the temple in the early hours of the day, a time considered auspicious and relatively serene.
Embracing their Indian roots, the Sanon family was dressed in traditional Indian attire. Kriti was seen wearing a yellow churidar, a popular Indian outfit that comprises a fitted trouser (churidar) paired with a tunic (kameez). Her sister, Nupur, complemented her in a teal blue outfit, another shade often seen in Indian ethnic wear.
Adding to the sanctity of the occasion, all family members wore yellow satin scarves around their necks. In Hindu tradition, wearing a yellow scarf or ‘dupatta’ is often associated with spirituality and is considered auspicious. The color yellow is associated with knowledge and learning in Hinduism.
The Siddhivinayak Temple, located in Mumbai, is dedicated to Lord Ganesha and is one of the most popular and revered temples in India. Many celebrities and devotees visit the temple to seek blessings, especially before embarking on new ventures.
It’s heartwarming to see Kriti and her family keeping their traditions alive despite their modern-day lifestyles. Their visit to the temple shows the importance they place on their beliefs and the value they hold for family bonding.
Visiting temples and participating in rituals often bring a sense of peace and grounding, something that is incredibly important in the fast-paced world of today. It’s refreshing to see public figures like Kriti and her family setting an example by taking time out of their busy schedules to visit a place of worship and spend quality time together as a family.