Anushka Sharma, Imtiaz Ali and Shah Rukh Khan from Skype attended the trailer launch of their upcoming film Jab Harry Met Sejal on Friday in Mumbai. While interacting with media, Imtiaz revealed that Shah Rukh Khan is very basic theatre actor.
When asked about whether there was any pressure directing Shah Rukh to match up to his other successful films, Imtiaz said, “Because of Shah Rukh himself, there was no pressure like that. Working with him was like working with any actor, sometimes when you are shooting with Shah Rukh, there was huge crowd trying to break in to see him then you realize, he is very big star but otherwise the way he carries himself and the way he participates, you don’t get feeling that he is a superstar.”
“It was very easy also because he is a theatre actor as I am also from theatre, we both live in Delhi so it was easy to communicate. I was happily surprised to know that he is very basic theatre actor for whom script, co-actors are important. I think Shah Rukh is single most giving actor that I have worked with. He is very giving to its co-actor and towards everybody in the process.”
Imtiaz also commented on nepotism debate in film industry, he said, “Me, Anushka and Shah Rukh , three of us are outsiders in the industry so if there was any nepotism against us then we wouldn’t be present here today. I am here today only because of love and affection of existing film industry at that time. I feel this is the place that I truly belong to so I don’t see any nepotism here in this industry.”
Ranbir Kapoor has suggested name for this film after very long discussion but when asked that name of the film is getting criticism on social media. Imtiaz funnily said, “Blame Ranbir Kapoor for that. He thinks that he is very smart as he is not on the social media so no one can criticize him but we can make website for that and there you can complain.”
In most of Imtiaz’s film characters belongs Punjab, when asked him reason for that, Imtiaz said, “I can’t differentiate like this. Where ever my story takes me, the characters of my films belong there that I later get realized. Shah Rukh is playing role of Harinder Singh Nehra in the film who belongs to Punjab but we have Sejal in the film who belongs to Gujarati community form Mumbai. I really had great relationship with these people so I feel really happy that there is Gujarati character from Mumbai in this film”.
Jab Harry Met Sejal is releasing on 04 August, 2017.