Selfiee is a Bollywood dramedy starring Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi, directed by Raj Mehta. It is an official Hindi remake of the Malayalam film Driving Licence, and revolves around the story of a superstar and his biggest fan whose desire for a selfie leads to a battle of egos and an ultimate fight.
Anup Soni, Kiran Janjani, Mahesh Thakur, Mini Mathur, Bakhtiyaar Irani, Indira Krishnan at the Special Screening of Animated film CARS 3 on 15th June...
Ekta Kapoor, Krishna Abhishek, Mahesh Thakur, Shibani Kashyap, Alexx O Neil, Karan Tacker at 50th play of Vandana Sajnani's Fourplay play in Mumbai on...
Renuka Shahane, Mahesh Thakur, Sudhir Pandey, Nitesh Pandey, Manini Mishra at Disney launches new shows and poitined as family channel in Courtyard Marriott, Mumbai...
Mahesh Thakur, Deepshikha, Chaitanya Chaudhary, Kashmira Shah, Manini Mishra,Sunaina Gulzar, Ayub Khan at dance competition in Andheri, Mumbai on 26th Oct 2014.
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