Veteran Actor Jeetendra’s first cousin has come out in the open about an alleged abuse by the actor. The victim was merely 18 when the alleged incident happened and has filed a sexual abuse complaint against Jeetendra in Himachal Pradesh.
It took years for the victim to muster courage and speak out, after feminist awareness campaigns such as #MeToo, which have created an atmosphere of hope for millions of victims who remain quiet despite facing sexual abuse at the hands of their own families and relatives that they trust the most.
The alleged incident which took place 1971 when the victim had just turned 18 and the actor was 28 and had entered the showbiz. The incident took place when Jeetendra asked victim’s father to let her accompany him for one of his film’s shoot and that is where he allegedly sexually abused her.
The victim has come out in the open now after her parent’s demise as she did want them to be heartbroken by their nephew’s alleged doings.
The victim wants closure for the mental trauma she suffered for years after the alleged abuse.
Considering that Jeetendra, the accused, is rich, powerful and politically well-connected, the victim and her family have requested the media to keep their identity secret, according to the law.