In some shocking developments, veteran actor Jeetendra‘s cousin has filed a sexual abuse complaint against the actor in Himachal Pradesh, as reported.
The alleged incident took place when Jeetendra was 28 while his cousin was just 18. He apparently asked her father to let her accompany him for one of his film’s shoot and that is where he allegedly sexually abused her.
However, Advocate Rizwan Siddiquee representing Jeetendra has denied the alleged claim.
Rizwan said, “Foremost my client specifically and categorically denies any such incident. Besides even otherwise such baseless, ridiculous and fabricated claims cannot be entertained by any Court of law or the law enforcement agencies after a span of almost 50 years. The Statute has provided a justice delivery system through the Courts, and the Limitation Act 1963 was specifically enacted to ensure that all genuine complaints are made within a maximum time limit of three years so that a proper investigation is carried out and timely justice is delivered.”
He added, “Besides I want to make it specifically clear that the law does not give any person any rights or liberties of making any baseless, ridiculous or fabricated claims against any man publicly and seek to defame him with a hidden personal agenda. Media is therefore adviced to cautiously refrain from giving any importance to such ridiculous, baseless and fabricated claims, and they should not participate in any way whatsoever in defaming or assassinating the character of any man in such cases.”
Siddiquee concluded, “In any event, the timing of this baseless complaint seems to be nothing but a miserable effort made by a jealous competitor to disrupt the business activities of my client and his esteemed Company. Such efforts are therefore in all fairness treated with the contempt it truly deserves.”